“Traditional marketing Versus Digital Marketing”.

The Most Fundamental Element Of A Business Is Achieving Sales Of Products And Services, Through Various Marketing Techniques, To Attract The Attention Of Customers. This Can Be Done Both The Traditional Way As Well As The Modern Digital Way.

The traditional way of doing business was by far through a shop where normally a shopkeeper would keep the wares which the customers came and bought from them.

But the goods were normally procured by the shopkeeper through a middleman which increases the cost of the goods.

As the manufacturer sold his product to the wholesaler and then the middleman bought those goods from the wholesaler and passed them on to the retailer who finally sold the product to the end user. While in digital marketing it is quite different as there is not much involvement of a middleman and thus there is a direct interaction between the wholesaler and the customer or there is a direct connection between the manufacturer and the customer.

Hence the new debate about “traditional marketing versus digital marketing” has come into existence to prove which one is better.

What is Traditional Marketing?


This is the primitive method of selling products/services where we have a shop and or offices and depots to serve our customers, we have billboards, door-to-door salespersons, telemarketing techniques, Newspaper, Magazine, Radio and Television advertising, Leaflets, Pamphlets, Sales Letters, Postcards, Promotion Coupons, etc.

To attract prospective clients for effectively selling our products or services, which still has its own advantages and strengths. It has a highly personalized reach because of its proximity to the client base which is easily recognizable and has high personal connectivity as all transactions are in hard copies and can be easily traced for physical references in the future.

Even the older generation would like to purchase things the traditional way by visiting the shops and physically verifying the product and making a purchase.

Traditional marketing is the most effective way when the target customers are largely the local population which is easy to cater to, but the expansion of our business is basically restricted to the number of the local population and those that are in closer proximity or some tourists, etc.

Even while comparing “Traditional marketing versus digital marketing”, traditional marketing is often viewed as irrelevant or outdated, as compared to Digital Marketing, which is more systematic and organized, but however, these traditional way of selling methods and tactics are still effectively used even today, depending on the type of business and the target audience.

However, due to advance in technology and companies wanting to spread their presence to a larger clientele base geographically to increase their business far and wide, traditional way of marketing is quickly becoming very unpopular and out of date.

The tactical concept of email marketing and the numerous ways to incorporate dynamic content into websites by using personalization methods to boost sales conversions by making the user experience more engaging by tapping into the data of the website users that we already have. Some companies that have a global customer base can use their geo-location to give their clients a personalized experience from the go.

What is Digital Marketing?

There are a number of beneficial aspects of Digital Marketing as compared to “Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing” methods which are discussed below:

  1. It makes tracking customer involvement and effectively helps in the collection of data about customers’ likes and preferences that can be used in the future to enhance the website algorithm of the company through their following us on our website, social media, or through their queries and messages.
  2. Emails and social media interaction become the faster and more cost-effective methods of interaction with clients.
  3. Blogging and Content Marketing techniques.
  4. PPC (Pay-Per-Click): These are paid advertisements that stay on the web for a short period till you pay. But the moment you stop paying, it will be gone.
  5. You are charged for every click, each time someone visits your site by clicking on it, your PPC account gets debited.
  6. You are not charged, when they see your advertisements on web search, it will be charged only when they click on it.
  7. It all depends on how well you create your advertisements, PPC gives you an internet presence and offers genuine customer leads to boost your sales in a very short period of time.
  8. You can set your advertising bids on how much a visitor is useful for your business and even your advertising budget and control your expenses by exploring different options.
  9. Try different alternatives by analyzing each advertisement campaign.
  10. Since Social Media Marketing is very popular with today’s youth, many businesses and startups, advertise their product content in the form of blog posts, videos, and stories on all social media platforms.
  11. Digital Marketing has a very wide scope of targeting the Global audience attention effectively. 
  12. There’s also affiliate marketing to attract clients and increase sales through a third-party website of well-known business influencers or celebrities.
  13. SEO – Search Engine Optimisation is a common tool used by many companies. Its main objective is to show the business listing at the top of the web search engine.
  14. The companies do this to build and improve their Brand name.
  15. Digital marketing strategy – An organization’s success crucially depends upon the way they efficiently use digital marketing strategy to reach the targeted audience in achieving your goals by creating value to draw in clients by knowing.
  16. And understanding what medium your interested clients are on, taking into account, the high volume of business transactions being done through digital devices these days.

Digital marketing strategies


Digital Marketing Strategy

evolve quickly because of trends and new technology. These strategies include those that require the use of the internet or smartphones. They haven’t been around as long as traditional methods, but they have created a very formidable impact on the traditional way of doing business. Hence the comparison, “traditional marketing vs digital marketing”.

Common digital marketing methods include:

  1. Website content
  2. Email campaign
  3. Content marketing
  4. Social Media Post
  5. Clickable ads
  6. Affiliate Marketing
  7. Search Engine Optimisation – SEO

Why a digital marketing strategy is necessary?


Digital marketing is a very complex but very effective way to scale up sales and customer reach in business. in a modern competitive market scenario, many new methods and scientifically proven techniques are available through which we can reach out to our existing clients and also create a new customer base, and remain to be a relevant player to survive, in this ever-changing market.

Hence the traditional way of doing business is gradually losing its popularity in this new changing business scenario where all business houses are looking to reach out globally and expand their business far and wide, without which their business survival is not possible and this has brought up the discussion on “traditional marketing vs digital marketing”.


There has been a great change that has happened in the recent past in the field of marketing most of the traditional kind of business has been experiencing a big slump in their business as more and more customers, especially the younger generation is preferring the easiest route to buy things with the help of online purchases.

which gives them the advantage of easy access to products and quick online methods of payment facility for the goods they wish to buy. With the help of an online selection,  payment, and the ease of returns of their choice of goods.

Ordering choice goods with ease of payment, delivery, and return of the same without physically moving out of their places, which traditionally they had to physically go to the store and make the purchases for the same which may be either in their vicinity or may even be far away from their locality.

So in conclusion, we can deduce that the traditional type of marketing, even though it has its own advantages which are overtaken by the digital type of marketing that has a far wide reach, as far as client connectivity is concerned, may even replace the traditional way of marketing totally.

Hence we conclude the debate on “traditional marketing vs digital marketing” and by means of this, we can surely deduce that the days of traditional marketing are numbered and will be totally replaced by digital marketing.